Using MongoMotor - An introduction¶
In this introductory tutorial lets create a simple music catalog. In this catalog we’ll have artists, albums and musics.
Connecting to a database¶
The first thing to do is to connect to a database (an instance of mongod).
To do so we will use connect()
. In this example all we
need is to call the function with a single parameter, the database name.
from mongomotor import connect
accepts a async_framework
named parameter
that indicates which asynchronous framework we should use, either
or tornado
. It defaults to asyncio
. The other arguments
to connect()
are passed to mongoengine’s connect()
function. See the
Connecting guide
at mongoengine docs.
Defining documents¶
MongoDB does not enforce a schema in the database making life a lot easier when we want to add or remove fields. However is very useful to have a schemata defined to help us in the development process this is why we’ll define some documents here.
In our example we will create a collection of documents to store information
about artists. To create a document that have its own collection we need to
subclass Document
. Let’s say that we want to distinguish
between two kinds of artists, single musicians, those that release solo
albums and musical groups. To achieve that we can have a base Artist and
a SingleMusician and a MusicalGroup inheriting from Artist. Doing so
all artists will be stored in the same collection and we can query for
them separately (or together if we want to to so).
from mongomotor import Document
from mongomotor.fields import ListField, StringField
class Artist(Document):
name = StringField()
# here we say that this call may be subclassed.
# If we do not set it to True we will not be able
# to subclass Artist.
meta = {'allow_inheritance': True}
class SingleMusician(Artist):
real_name = StringField()
class MusicalGroup(Artist):
people = ListField(StringField())
With the documents created here we have a document Artist with a name
field that accepts strings.The SingleMusician document has, other than
, the real_name
that accepts a string too. The MusicalGroup
document has a people
field that is a list of strings (the names of
the members of the group).
Musics & Albums¶
Now we will create a collection of documents for albums and the musics will be embedded documents in the album document. Albums will have references for artists. For more about embedded documents and references take a look at the MongoDB docs.
from mongomotor import EmbeddedDocument
from mongomotor.fields import ReferenceField, EmbeddedDocumentField, IntField()
class Music(EmbeddedDocument):
number = IntField()
title = StringField()
class Album(Document):
title = StringField()
musics = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(Music))
artists = ListField(ReferenceField(Artist))
In these documents we have some different things. First we have the document
Music that is an embedded document in the document collection. To reference
to an embedded document we need to use
. Other than that we have
a ReferenceField
referencing Artist. In both
cases we are using a list of embedded documents or references, but if we
wanted, for example, only one artist per album we could use:
class Album(Document):
title = StringField()
tracks = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(Music))
# this is only to show how that could works. Let's keep with
# our list of artists in the rest of the example.
artist = ReferenceField(Artist)
For more see Defining documents.
Insert and retrieving data¶
With our documents’ schema defined let’s add some documents to our database.
Inserting data¶
First let’s create some artists by creating an instance of SingleMusician
or MusicalGroup and then use the save()
with an await
All mongomotor database operations are done in coroutines and need a event loop running to succed. In these examples we will run only the database methods inside a coroutine and consume this coroutine with run_until_complete. In real life usually things are different we usually call run_until_complete only once. For more information see: asyncio loop.
>>> import asyncio
>>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
>>> artist = SingleMusician(name='Tim Maia', real_name='Sebastião Maia')
>>> group = MusicalGroup()
>>> = 'j.m.k.e.'
>>> group.people = ['Villu', 'Reimo', 'Andres', 'Livia', 'Promille']
>>> async def insert_artist():
... await
... await
... print(
... print(
>>> loop.run_until_complete(insert_artist())
As you can see, an ID was created automatically when the document was saved to the database. Now, let’s create some albums and reference the artists in the albums.
>>> album1 = Album(title="Racional Vol. 1", artists=[artist])
>>> titles = ['Imunização Racional (Que beleza)', 'O Grão Mestre Varonil']
>>> album1.tracks = [Music(title=t, number=i) for i, t in enumerate(titles)]
>>> album2 = Album(title='Mälestusi Eesti NSV-st')
>>> titles = ['Medal', 'Ma ei saa sust aru']
>>> album2.tracks = [Music(title=t, number=i) for i, t in enumerate(titles)]
>>> # Now we will save the documents to the db. We don't use save() for
>>> # embedded documents.
>>> async def insert_albums():
... await
... await from
>>> loop.run_until_complete(insert_albums())
Retrieving data¶
Now we have some data and it is time to retrieve it from database. This is done
throught the attribuite objects
, that is a instance of
, in the subclasses of
The simplest way of retrieving data is quering for a specific document using
>>> async def get_artist():
... artist = await Artist.objects.get(name='Tim Maia')
... print(, artist.real_name)
>>> loop.run_until_complete(get_artist())
If a query does not return any documents or returns more than one document,
the method get()
will raise an exception.
We can query for more than one document we may use
. This method returns a queryset.
To iterate over a queryset we use async for
>>> async def list_artists():
... async for artist in Artist.objects:
... print(
... async for album in Album.objects.filter(artists=artist):
... print(' - {}'.format(album.title))
... for track in album.tracks:
... print(' - {}'.format(track.title))
>>> loop.run_until_complete(list_artists())
For more information see Querying the database.